CTCC Teenagers are Swimming Your Way!
Northview High School is putting on The Little Mermaid Jr. on March 14 and 15. Many of the CTCC teenagers are using theatre skills learned on our stage!
Two of our CTCC Teenagers will be playing the leading roles: Mia Tribble and Aidrik Loughmiller
Mia Tribble, who was seen in our Broadway Review, is playing Ariel.
Aidrik Loughmiller, playing Prince Eric, has been involved in several Young Actors shows.
Another one of our CTCC Teenagers: Avrie Emmert
Avrie Emmert, who has been seen in several productions, is playing Ursula.
Marah Loughmiller
Marah Loughmiller, who has been seen in a multitude of young actors productions, will be seen in multiple parts throughout the show.
Evelyn Emmert
Evelyn Emmert, who has been seen in several productions, is playing one of the merisisters.
Gilbert Clear
Gilbert Clear, most recently seen as Mr. Coggins in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, is playing the French Chef.
MacKenzie Cleveland
Mackenzie Cleveland, who has been seen in a multitude of Young Actor shows as well as reviews will be playing Flounder.
CTCC Adults Just Can’t Get Enough Theatre!
It’s not only the teens who are involved! There are a couple adults helping out as well!
Amanda Loughmiller
Amanda Loughmiller, one of our newest board members, is doing costumes.
Elaine Cassidy
Elaine Cassidy has helped with costumes for many Young Actors shows and is the head seamstress for the Little Mermaid production.
Shaun Short
Shaun Short, who has been seen in many plays, and who has recently been named as director for Meshuggah-Nuns, is the crew director. He has also been working on the set and props alongside the students.
Support our Local Theatre Youth!
You can support our young actors by seeing them in their production of The Little Mermaid, Jr.! See this website for details!
CTCC is Always Serving Our Local Youth!
If you’d like to get your own child involved in theatre, we would love to work with them! Visit our website at any time to see what we are offering for our local youth!
Article by Ashlee Vitz and Amanda Loughmiller