

How CTCC Board Elections Work

Every January CTCC holds its annual meeting. This year the meeting will be held at the theatre on January 21 at 3pm. This is a chance for people who would like to be considered CTCC members to pay their $10 membership dues, hear about the progress made during the previous year, vote for board members in the CTCC Board Elections, and even nominate other potential board members from the floor.

When a board member’s term runs out, it is traditional for the nominating committee to recommend their name for renewal. This year, those candidates included on the ballot for the CTCC board elections are Elaine Clarke, Amy Cleveland, and Ellen McCullough. (Pictured below in the same order.)

The board opened up one more slot this year for CTCC board elections, and that recommendation is going to local elementary school teacher and dependable, beloved volunteer at CTCC: Valerie Clark.

Get to Know Your CTCC Board Candidates Before the CTCC Board Elections!

All four candidates were contacted at the beginning of the month with a series of five questions as an opportunity to share why CTCC members should vote for them at the upcoming annual meeting. Three of the four candidates shared their responses, which you can read below.

Question 1: How Long Have You Been Involved in CTCC?

Valerie Clark: I have been involved with CTCC since playing the Reverend Mother in Nunsense 2, in 2019

Elaine Clarke: I have been with CTCC for 29 years. I have served on the board for 25 years. In the past, I have served as president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. I have performed in and directed many of the adult shows, as well as assisted in directing many shows. I was assistant director and then director for the Young Actors for many years. I also was responsible for writing the Artsilliana grant for many years.

Amy Cleveland: I have been involved with CTCC for over ten years.

Question 2: What have you done to serve CTCC during the last three years?

Valerie Clark: Over the past three years I have served CTCC in different roles. I have assisted with the last 2 years of the Youth Summer Program, worked with the Marketing and Grant writing committees, assisted backstage for children’s programs, as well as sold concessions, served food, and washed dishes on show nights.

Elaine Clarke: I have served on the Grant Writing committee, Artistic Direction committee, Financial committee, and the Summer Youth committee.

Amy Cleveland: *Managed all the finances *Created financial statements *Created forms to track revenue and expenses for shows *Worked with auditors for a perfectly clean audit *Managed the kitchen for the past couple of years *Helped move us from manual ticketing to on-line ticketing *Designed props *Built sets *Assisted in directing multiple children’s performances *Obtained a $15,500 grant for fixing the sewage issue *Wrote and obtained several smaller grants  *Assisted in obtaining other grants for the theater including one for $4,200 for the youth *Organized the Route 40 Festival activities *Planned and organized the Small Business Saturday event *Spent numerous hours running errands before shows to pick up supplies, to the bank, etc. *Wrote Thank You letters to our donors *Various other tasks as needed

Question 3: The CTCC membership expects that board members will make decisions that are in the best interest of the theatre. If elected, how would you like to go about turning that expectation into reality?

Valerie Clark:  If given the opportunity to serve on the board, it is my intention to make sure that each voice is heard when considering the path the Theatre will take to continue to be a success. Part of working together would mean looking at the Theatre’s future as well as the immediate needs in order to serve the community with shows, programs, and a usable building. As a fresh face to the Theatre I feel like my perspective could be useful when considering new ideas, as I am not someone who would be bound by what has always been done. I also respect the guidance and experience from those who have put in the work for many years and would look to their guidance as well. 

Elaine Clarke: As a member of the CTCC board, I will, to the best of my ability, make decisions that are fair and fiscally promising to the theater. I hope to be able to offer suggestions and ideas to promote the growth of and sustain the theater for many years to come.

Amy Cleveland: I will ensure our financial assets grow and they are invested in the theater for future generations. In addition, I will continue to help build rapport with our community, engage in fundraising activities and volunteer my time and talent to the organization to help establish a strong financial knowledge base among the board and membership base.

Question 4: What is one of your greatest accomplishments done in service to CTCC in the past three years?

Valerie Clark: Choosing one accomplishment that I have personally facilitated is kind of hard for me. My work has been accomplished through our committees and working with others. I think in some ways that is an accomplishment as working with each other is important.

Elaine Clarke: My greatest accomplishment in the last three years is serving on the Grant Writing committee to ensure the growth and financial continuation of the theater.

Amy Cleveland: Building up our finances over the past year through grant writing and financial responsibility and laying the foundation for the theater to obtain the IOCRA grant. I am looking forward to (*possibly) watching the theater get remodeled and working with the contractors to manage the finances of the project.

Question 5: Why are you an ideal candidate to be on the CTCC board?

Valerie Clark:  I know there are many ideal candidates, some with more experience with our theatre and who have been involved longer than I have. I am not here to say that I am a better candidate than any of them. With that said, I am sure that I have a lot to offer the Theatre. I can listen to other perspectives and look to meet in the middle. I have a heart for children and would love to ensure that the theatre is a safe place for children to learn and thrive. I want our Theatre to be a place that is not only safe and beautiful, but is a place where we can share the joy of the stage. My goals are not rooted in one program or path, but instead are to make the Theatre a feature in this community.

Elaine Clarke: With my years of experience, expertise and love for the theater, I would hope you will consider me an asset to the CTCC board.

Amy Cleveland: My extensive accounting experience is the biggest asset that I bring to the board since we need someone with financial expertise to manage projects, costs, revenue and provide financial structure for the organization. In addition, as you can see from the list above, I am very involved in most activities that happen at the theater and I am always willing to jump in and lend a hand where needed.

Come to Our Annual Meeting, Including CTCC Board Elections!

We hope to see you at our annual meeting at the theatre on January 21 at 3pm! Come be a part of our family!

Other Ways to Get Involved After CTCC Board Elections

If you’d like to be a part of our family in other ways, check out our season lineup!

Our next show is the classic, family-friendly musical: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Get tickets here!