Get ready for a night of fun and entertainment with Christmas at the Lark! This musical takes place on December 1, 2, and 3, where a group of performers is putting on a variety show to raise money for a local charity. This show features a variety of Christmas songs that are sure to uplift your spirits and leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside. The characters are all working together to make the show a success, and along the way, they learn the importance of giving back to their community and the true meaning of Christmas.
Characters will be made up from stories from our actual cast! We can’t give you character descriptions yet, because we haven’t had our first rehearsal! This is sure to be a meaningful show for all!
This musical features a variety of skits and songs that are sure to get you in the holiday spirit!
Christmas at the Lark is a musical that is perfect for the whole family. With fantastic directors, an all-volunteer cast and crew performances that are both fun and poignant, this musical is sure to be a hit. So come join the Community Theatre of Clay County, and get ready to have a holly jolly time! Don’t miss out on the chance to experience one of the most anticipated productions of each year!
8 E National Ave
Brazil, IN